About Willemijn

"So tell me,
What is it you want to do with you’re one wild and precious life?"
(Mary Oliver)


Willemijn de Dreu is committed to the dancing path and the freedom it brings for so many. She is known for her fiery yet grounded presence and her gentle way of healing through movement. She effortlessly weaves shamanic threads in her teachings, with a great sensitivity to what is arising in the field.

Curriculum Vitae
Willemijn originally studied theatre school, and was trained in 1998 to teach the 5Rhythms by Gabrielle Roth. In 2005 she was trained as a Heartbeat teacher.

In 2008 she started working with Daan van Kampenhout who taught her more about shamanism and ceremony. In 2013 she became a certified Systemic Ritual constellator.

After years of training and assisting Andrea Juhan she graduated as an Open Floor and Libido teacher in may 2016.

In 2019 she finalized her studies as a body oriented trauma therapist. You can contact her for individual sessions where she combines all of her wisdom and experience to unlock stuck energy in your body.


Mijn hele leven is gewijd aan het beweging brengen daar waar energie vastloopt. Dat doe ik al 25 jaar met veel plezier door het aanbieden van dans workshops. Sinds een paar jaar bied ik ook individuele sessie aan en dat werk wil ik graag hier wat meer aandacht geven. In 2019 ben ik afgestudeerd als SE practitoner, oftewel, lichaamsgericht trauma therapeut. Een wonderschone combinatie met dans.

Beide gaan over het hervinden van levensvreugde en vitaliteit, in de dansworkshops is het te merken aan de thema’s die ik in m’n lessen weef, in de individuele sessies van trauma therapie onderzoeken en luisteren we gerichter, afgestemd op jou behoefte en verhaal. Als je nieuwsgierig bent, en graag wil dat ik een stukje met je mee ‘wandel’ op je pad, mail me. wdedreu@gmail.com.

Er zijn 2 plekken in Nederland waar ik dit aanbied, 1 in Bussum, prachtige heart to heart studio, de andere plek bij Zutphen, een mooie plek in de natuur.

"I love the dance of life.
Again and again, I am humbled by the cycles of birth and death. Health and illness. Expansions and contractions. Hello’s and goodbye’s.

I love movement, any movement.
The changing of the seasons, the come and go of day and night.
The grass in the wind, running horses, flying birds, fluttering butterflies, shooting stars,
human bodies. I am grateful that I can share that love by inviting movement on the dancefloor.

I love the elements earth, fire, water and wind. I love what they teach us about being here, how they speak about nourishment, connections, cleansing, and walking lightly and in beauty. How they whisper about breath and great spirit.

I am grateful for all that I receive in this life and it’s an honor to guide people in the dance and witness how they find their aliveness and wild beauty through dance and sweat.

When I’m not dancing, I love to spent time with my daughters, 24 and 20 and my biggest guru’s and teachers. I love my friends, sharing food and fire, long walks, being in nature, swim in the sea…oh well, I love being alive…"
